Home / Civil War Genealogy / United States / 19th US Infantry
19th US InfantryUS Flag
Company Unknown
Gideon Curtis Moody
- Captain
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Contact Name: George P. Moody
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/22/2003

Company C
Reuben Daniel Jones
- Private
I have Reuben's 2 civil war diaries, bible, and photo album. I'm looking for any one with a relative in Co. 'C'.
Contact Name: Scott Sutherland
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/24/2008

Company E
Joseph Rollin Prentice
- Private
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Contact Name: Jerry Prentice
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/19/2004

Company G
Henry David Lohr
- Corporal
Henry D Lohr was my Great-great grandfather. He and his brother Samuel both joined the regular army, being assigned to the 19th Co. G in Johnstown, PA.

Samuel was wounded at Fredricksburg and, losing about 6' off his right leg. He was then honorably discharged. Henry became a Corporal. He was captured at the Battle of Chickamauga and sent to prison at Andersonville. He escaped via a tunnel with other Pennsylvanians. He caught up with General Sherman during his march to the sea.

Henry was honorably discharged at Lookout Mt., TN. and resumed farming in Somerset Co. PA until his death in 1903. He never fully recovered from the illnesses he contracted at Andersonville. He died at age 66.
Contact Name: Brian
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/5/2005

Company H
Jonas Badgley
- Private
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Contact Name: Steve Badgley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/20/2008

Company H
Jonas Badgley
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: Steve Badgley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/20/2008

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